Monday, September 27, 2010

Dustin Shaw

I went to Legends Tattoo and Dustin Shaw ended up doing my tattoo. Worst draw of luck. I explained exactly what I wanted. A very dark design on my arm. The design was fine, but when I healed, you could see right through to my skin. Hardly black at all. I made sure to let him know how black I wanted it. His response, "It'll be dark, but if it doesn't turn out dark enough, just come back. I'll fix it for twenty bucks." Wow! I called him a month later, made an appointment, and he didn't show. Called the shop for him twice, and he wasn't there. So here I am stuck with a "grey" tattoo and a tatt artist who refuses to fix his work. I still can't get a hold of him, even though he still works for Legends Tattoo in Tulare. He's either out for the weekend, or at his DUI class, or just busy. Way to stand behind your work.

1 comment:

  1. I was extremely busy at the time...why dont u shoot me ut number so we can get ur tattoo touched up or "fixed"...i appologize for the lack of communication
